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How acupuncture works: Acupuncture and other forms of traditional Chinese medicine have been in existence for over 4,000 years. Yet the explanation for how acupuncture works has been largely based on theory. The basic theory is outlined in a text from 200 B.C. It acknowledges in people and nature a vital energy or life force known as Qi (pronounced "chee"). Qi flows through the body via channels called meridians. If the Qi flow is altered, the resulting deficiency, excess, or stagnation of qi causes bodily malfunction, illness, and inability to heal properly. Acupuncture, in which needles are inserted into specific points along these meridians, restores the proper Qi flow, thereby returning the body to a state of improved health and decreased pain.

Chiropractic doctors and other licensed practitioners administer about 10 million acupuncture treatments each year in the US, most commonly for pain control, sports injuries, and smoking cessation. As the popularity of acupuncture increases, researchers have become more interested into proving exactly how acupuncture works. To date, researchers have been able to measure an increased flow of acupuncture-induced endorphins. This explains the pain-relieving effect of acupuncture. Also, functional MRI's have measured changes in the activity of key centers of the brain, where pain is interpreted, when certain acupuncture points are treated. There are other beneficial effects of acupuncture also being researched, including the treatment of: nausea, asthma, sinus conditions, colds and the immune system, and other internal disorders. Furthermore, acupuncture has been observed clinically to enhance healing, and provide long-lasting pain relief.

Acupuncture's clinical results are attracting interest from mainstream medicine. A panel of independent experts convened in 1997 by the National Institutes of Health concluded that acupuncture is safe and effective in treating nausea and pain due to cancer and chemotherapy drugs. It is also shown to be as helpful as prescription medication in treating post surgical and other forms of pain, and without the harmful side effects and toxicity. In our practices, we routinely see excellent long-term results with acupuncture, even when other forms of treatment have failed.

Benefits of acupuncture:

  • Pain relief for acute and chronic conditions
  • Aids in smoking cessation
  • Decreases stress and anxiety
  • Relieves acute and chronic sinus congestion
  • Accelerates the healing process
  • Complements other treatments for internal disorders

What you can expect: Most people (even those afraid of needles) are surprised at how painless acupuncture is. The needles are extremely thin, not at all like those used for medical injections or shots. The sensitivity of different acupuncture points may vary. Some points are not felt at all, while others may feel like the brief sting of an insect bite. Once the needles are in, no pain is felt. A treatment usually lasts 15 – 20 minutes. For your protection, all needles are sterile, one-time-use, and disposable.


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