August 21, 2003

We are happy to announce that we are now accepting appointments on Saturdays from 10:00 AM until 1:00 PM. Be sure to use our online appointment request form by clicking here, or call our office at 555-555-5555. Thanks

Pleasantville Chiro Center features numerous resources here on our web site for all are current & future patients.

Please select the link that follows the information your looking for.

:: Work-Related Injuries ::

  Workers' Compensation Insurance covers chiropractic care with good reason. Some 13 separate studies in various states have repeatedly found that chiropractic care gets people back to work much sooner and at far lower cost than medical care for the same type of on-the-job back injuries. For the insurance company, not only are the direct costs lower (for seeing the doctor, prescriptions, and hospital costs) but the compensation costs for lost work time are dramatically lower as well.

  Chiropractic care usually leads to fewer chronic cases, and gets people back on their feet and back to work sooner. That is great for the patient and reason enough to choose chiropractic care for work-related job injuries.

  Our office is ready to help you with all of the paperwork, including filing an accident report with your employer and billing the insurance carrier. We'll help guide you through the red tape, so that you can focus on getting better.