August 21, 2003

We are happy to announce that we are now accepting appointments on Saturdays from 10:00 AM until 1:00 PM. Be sure to use our online appointment request form by clicking here, or call our office at 555-555-5555. Thanks

Pleasantville Chiro Center features numerous resources here on our web site for all are current & future patients.

Please select the link that follows the information your looking for.

:: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ::

  This syndrome is caused by pressure placed on the median nerve that passes through the small bones of the wrist as it enters the hand. The reason for the pressure on the nerve can vary, but it is commonly due to repetitive strain. Repetitive strain disorders, or RSD, have become an increasing problem in today's society. With more people spending increasing hours at computer keyboards and "mousing," we have seen an increase in carpal tunnel syndrome and similar conditions. People suffering from carpal tunnel and related syndromes describe their symptoms as: pain, numbness, tingling, and sometimes loss of grip strength.

  A thorough examination will help to determine your exact diagnosis and individualized treatment plan. The key to successful treatment is removing the inflammation surrounding the median nerve and correcting the underlying biomechanical causes including poor posture, poor ergonomic environment at work, and improper technique while exercising. Joint and soft tissue manipulation, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercise, and modifications of the home, work, and health club routines are very effective in resolving the condition and its related symptoms. Massage therapy may also be used in conjunction with these other therapies in order to get the best results.

  Surgery is rarely needed and should only be considered if conservative therapy fails. Repetitive cortisone injection should be avoided as it has been well documented to cause tendon disruption, and places you at risk of further injury for 2 to 6 weeks following injection. However, if after examination we conclude that your case cannot be helped with conservative care, a prompt referral will be made.